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Events Calendar

Bird Festival Time!! :)
It’s that time again folks! The Birds are waiting for you …! My fave …? The snow geese that cover the ground like a layer of snow … then take off in the biggest bunch - you can hardly believe your eyes. It’s something to see ….! Then of course, the fat lil quail with their funny little head thing :) I love how top heavy they are! And how confused they seem. Like a gaggle of old ladies that can’t decide which way to go :) ha! Get out and see what birds YOU can find! Lots of events happening around town … check with the Chamber for more details of what/where/when! :)

Ellen Waterston - writer. poet. speaker
Frontier Art Center presents …. Ellen Waterston: writer. poet. educator. speaker. *** And friends … SHE. IS. IN. BURNS!!! **** Join Ellen and the Frontier Art Center as Ellen intrigues us with her stories about the High Desert :) She was appointed the 11th Oregon Poet Laureate and we are so honored to have her at the CH! Find more about her work here